Tuesday, March 30 |
10h40 - 12h00 |
Probabilistic Programming and Verification (Chair: Sam Staton, sam.staton at cs.ox.ac.uk)
- Marcel Moosbrugger, Ezio Bartocci, Joost-Pieter Katoen and Laura Kovács. Automated Termination Analysis of Polynomial Probabilistic Programs [doi]
- Daniel Lundén, Johannes Borgström and David Broman. Correctness of Sequential Monte Carlo Inference for Probabilistic Programming Languages [doi]
- Hugo Paquet. Bayesian strategies: probabilistic programs as generalised graphical models [doi]
- Carol Mak, Luke Ong, Hugo Paquet and Dominik Wagner. Densities of almost-surely terminating probabilistic programs are differentiable almost everywhere [doi]
14h00 - 15h20 |
ESOP Session Types and Concurrency (Chair: Dominic Orchard, d.a.orchard at kent.ac.uk)
- Patrick Baillot and Alexis Ghyselen. Types for Complexity of Parallel Computation in Pi-Calculus [doi]
- Alex Keizer, Henning Basold and Jorge A. Pérez. Session Coalgebras: A Coalgebraic View on Session Types and Communication Protocols [doi]
- Ankush Das, Henry DeYoung, Andreia Mordido and Frank Pfenning. Nested Session Types [doi]
- Sidi Mohamed Beillahi, Ahmed Bouajjani and Constantin Enea. Checking Robustness Between Weak Transactional Consistency Models [doi]
Wednesday, March 31 |
10h40 - 12h00 |
Category Theory and Type Theory (Chair: Tarmo Uustalu, tarmo at ru.is)
- Marco Gaboardi, Shin-Ya Katsumata, Dominic Orchard and Tetsuya Sato. Graded Hoare Logic and its Categorical Semantics [doi]
- Benjamin Moon, Harley Eades III and Dominic Orchard. Graded Modal Dependent Type Theory [doi]
- Guilhem Jaber and Andrzej Murawski. Complete trace models of state and control [doi]
- Guilhem Jaber and Colin Riba. Temporal Refinements for Guarded Recursive Types [doi]
14h00 - 15h20 |
ESOP Programming Theories and Testing (Chair: Jorge A Perez, j.a.perez at rug.nl)
- Matthijs Vákár. Reverse AD at Higher Types: Pure, Principled and Denotationally Correct [doi] (Nominated for EATCS best paper award)
- Gian Pietro Farina, Stephen Chong and Marco Gaboardi. Coupled Relational Symbolic Execution for Differential Privacy [doi]
- Shu-Hung You, Robert Bruce Findler and Christos Dimoulas. Sound and Complete Concolic Testing for Higher-Order Functions [doi]
- Harrison Goldstein, John Hughes, Leonidas Lampropoulos and Benjamin C. Pierce. Do Judge a Test by its Cover: Combining Combinatorial and Property-Based Testing [doi]
17h20 - 18h20
Invited Speaker: Isil Dillig
(Chair: Peter Müller)
Thursday, April 1 |
10h40 - 12h00 |
ESOP Concurrency and Verification (Chair: Hugo Paquet, hugo.paquet at cs.ox.ac.uk)
- Snigdha Athaiya, Raghavan Komondoor and K Narayan Kumar. Data Flow Analysis of Asynchronous Systems using Infinite Abstract Domains [doi]
- Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Adwait Godbole, Krishna S and Viktor Vafeiadis. The Decidability of Verification under PS 2.0 [doi]
- Maximilian Paul Louis Haslbeck and Peter Lammich. For a Few Dollars More -- Verified Fine-Grained Algorithm Analysis Down to LLVM [doi] (Nominated for EASST best paper award)
- Oren Ish Shalom, Shachar Itzhaky, Noam Rinetzky and Sharon Shoham. Run-time Complexity Bounds Using Squeezers [doi] (Nominated for EAPLS best paper award)
15h20 - 16h40 |
ESOP Verification and Programming Language Theory (Chair: Marco Gaboardi, gaboardi at bu.edu)
- Lennart Beringer. Verified Software Units [doi]
- Florian Zuleger and Jens Pagel. Strong-Separation Logic [doi]
- Christophe Chareton, Sébastien Bardin, François Bobot, Valentin Perrelle and Benoit Valiron. An Automated Deductive Verication Framework for Circuit-building Quantum Programs [doi]
- Wilmer Ricciotti and James Cheney. Query Lifting [doi]