ETAPS 2021: 27 March-1 April 2021, Luxembourg, Luxembourg (online)

ETAPS 2021 Joint Call for Papers

Important dates

Submission instructions

The four conferences of ETAPS 2021 solicit contributions of the following types. All page limits are given excluding the bibliography.

  • ESOP: regular research papers of max 25 pp
  • FASE: regular research papers and empirical evaluation papers of max 18 pp, tool demonstration papers of max 6 pp + mandatory appendix of max 6 pp
  • FoSSaCS: regular research papers of max 18 pp
  • TACAS: regular research papers, case study papers and regular tool papers of max 16 pp, tool demonstration papers of max 6 pp

For definitions of the different paper types and specific instructions, where they are present, see the webpages of the individual conferences.

The rationale for exempting the bibliography from the page limit  is to remove the possibility to win space for the body of paper by cutting the bibliography, a practice that has a negative effect on our competitiveness as a community.

All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings and have presentations during the conference. A condition of submission is that, if the submission is accepted, one of the authors attends the conference to give the presentation. Remote attendance and presentation will be possible if ETAPS 2021 goes ahead as a physical conference.

Submitted papers must be in English presenting original research. They must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. In particular, simultaneous submission of the same contribution to multiple ETAPS conferences is forbidden.

Submissions must follow the formatting guidelines of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science and be submitted electronically in pdf through the Easychair author interface of the respective conference. Submissions not adhering to the specified format and length may be rejected immediately.

FASE will use double-blind reviewing. Authors are asked to omit their names and institutions; refer to prior work in the third person, just as prior work by others; not to include acknowledgements that might identify them.

Regular tool paper and tool demonstration paper submissions to TACAS must be accompanied by an artifact. The artifact will be evaluated and the outcome will be taken into account in the acceptance decision of the paper. For research paper and case study paper submissions, concurrent submission of an artifact is optional; if an artifact is submitted at this stage, it will be handled like described in the previous sentence. Alternatively, authors of accepted papers of these categories may submit an artifact after notification.

ESOP and FoSSaCS will use an author rebuttal phase. TACAS will use rebuttal for selected submissions.


The proceedings will be published in the Advanced Research in Computing and Software Science (ARCoSS) subline of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Similarly to ETAPS 2018-2020, the proceedings of ETAPS 2021 will appear in gold open access, meaning that the published versions of all papers will be available for everyone to download from the publisher's website freely, from the date of online publication, perpetually. The copyright of the papers will remain with the authors.

The publisher's charges for gold open access will be paid by the conference (funded with the participation fees of all participants). There will be no added cost for authors specifically.