09:00 |
Invited Lecture
Extreme programming: a humanistic discipline
of programming
Kent Beck (CSLife, CH)
10:00 |
10:30 |
Specifying safety-critical embedded systems with Statecharts
and Z: an agenda for cyclic software components, W.Grieskamp, M.Heisel
(TU Berlin, D) and H.Doerr (Daimler-Benz, D) |
Efficient modeling of memory arrays in symbolic ternary
simulation, MN.Velev and R.Bryant (CMU, USA)
Myths and facts about the efficient implementation
of finite automata and lexical analysis, K.Brouwer, W.Gellerich and
E.Ploedereder (U Stuttgart, D) |
Specifying safety-critical embedded systems with Statecharts
and Z: a case study, R.Büssow, R.Geisler (TU Berlin, D) and M.Klar
(Fraunhofer Institut, D) |
Translation validation, A.Pnueli, M.Siegel (Weizmann
Institute, IL) and E.Singerman (SRI, USA) |
Generalised recursive descent parsing and follow-determinism,
A.Johnstone and E.Scott (U London, UK) |
A refinement calculus for Statecharts, P.Scholz
(TU Munich, D) |
A verified model checker for the modal µ-calculus
in Coq, C.Sprenger (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH) |
Analyzing direct non-local dependencies in attribute
grammars, JT.Boyland (CMU, USA) |
Backtracking-free design planning by automatic synthesis
in METAFrame, T.Margaria (U Passau, D) and B.Steffen (U Dortmund, D) |
Detecting races in relay ladder logic programs,
A.Aiken, M.Fähndrich and Z.Su (U California at Berkeley, USA) |
Storage allocation strategies for recursive attribute
evaluators, K.Mizushima (PFU Limited, JP) and T.Katayama (JAIST, JP) |
12:30 |
14:30 |
Invited Lecture
Practical formal verification: how close are
Amir Pnueli (Weizmann Institute, IL)
15:30 |
16:00 |
Verification of large state/event systems using compositionality
and dependency analysis, J.Lind-Nielsen, HR.Andersen (TU Denmark, DK),
G.Behrmann (Aalborg U, DK), H.Hulgaard (TU Denmark, DK) , K.Kristoffersen
and KG.Larsen (Aalborg U, DK) |
Basic-block graphs: living dinosaurs?, J.Knoop,
D.Koschützki (U Passau, D) and B.Steffen (U Dortmund, D)
Tamagotchis need not die - verification of STATEMATE
designs, U.Brockmeyer and G.Wittich (OFFIS, Oldenburg, D) |
Analysis of loops, F.Martin, M.Alt, C.Ferdinand
and R.Wilhelm (U Saarlandes, D) |
Modeling and verification of sC++ applications,
T.Cattel (École Polytechnique Fédérale, CH) |
A new approach to control flow analysis, P.Malacaria
and C.Hankin (Imperial College, UK) |
Factotum: automatic and systematic sharing support
for systems analyzers, DJ.Sherman and N.Magnier (U Bordeaux, F) |
Flow logics for constraint based analysis, HR.Nielson
and F.Nielson (U Aarhus, DK) |
18:00 |
19:30 |