10:30 |
Model checking via reachability testing for timed
automata, L.Aceto (Aalborg U, DK), A.Burgueno (ONERA-CERT, F) and KG.Larsen
(Aalborg U, DK) |
Extended SSA numbering: introducing SSA properties
to languages with multi-level pointers, C.Lapkowski and LJ.Hendren
(McGill U, CA) |
Propagating differences: an efficient new fixpoint
algorithm for distributive constraint systems, C.Fecht (U Saarlandes,
D) and H.Seidl (U Trier, D) |
CoFI, The Common Framework Initiative: Status Report,
PD.Mosses (U Aarhus, DK) |
Formal design and analysis of a gear controller: an
industrial case study using UPPAAL, M.Lindahl (Mecel AB, S), P.Pettersson
and W.Yi (Uppsala U, S) |
Strength reduction via SSAPRE, R.Kennedy, F.Chow,
P.Dahl and M.Streich (Silicon Graphics, USA) |
Code motion and code placement: just synonyms?,
J.Knoop (U Passau, D), O.Rüthing and B.Steffen (U Dortmund, D) |
More on standard specifications: quantifiers, modal
operators, and refinements, P.Padawitz (U Dortmund, D) |
Verifying networks of timed processes, P. Aziz
Abdulla and B.Jonsson (Uppsala U, S) |
Detecting parallelism in C programs with recursive
data structures, R.Ghiya, LJ.Hendren and Y.Zhu (McGill U, CA) |
Complexity of concrete type inference in the presence
of exceptions, R.Chatterjee, B.Ryder (Rutgers, USA) and W.Landi (Siemens
Corporate Research, USA) |
Semantic constructions for the specification of objects,
C.Cirstea (U Oxford, UK) |
Model checking of real-time reachability properties
using abstractions, C.Daws and S.Tripakis (VERIMAG, F) |
Live range splitting in a graph coloring register
allocator, KD.Cooper (Rice U, USA) and LT.Simpson (Trilogy Development
Group, USA) |
Building a bridge between pointer aliases and program
dependences, JL.Ross (U Chicago, USA) and M.Sagiv (U Tel-Aviv, IL) |
Completeness of narrowing in non-copying implementations,
D.Plump (U Bremen, D) and A.Habel (U Hildesheim, D) |
16:00 |
Symbolic exploration of transition hierarchies,
R.Alur (U Pennsylvania, USA), TA.Henzinger and SK.Rajamani (U California
at Berkeley, USA) |
From classes to objects via subtyping, D.Remy
(INRIA, F) |
Rewriting logic computation in Maude, M.Clavel,
F.Duran, S.Eker, P.Lincoln and J.Meseguer (SRI, USA) |
Formalizing agent views, A.Moreira (New U Lisbon,
P) |
Static partial order reduction, R.Kurshan, V.Levin,
M.Minea, D.Peled and H.Yenigün (Bell Labs, USA) |
Recursive object types in a logic of object-oriented
programs, KRM.Leino (DEC SRC, USA) |
Compilation of non-deterministic computations in ELAN,
H.Kirchner and PE.Moreau (LORIA, F) |
A computational media metaphor, U.Lechner (U St
Gallen, CH) |
Set-based analysis of reactive infinite-state systems,
W.Charatonik and A.Podelski (Max-Planck-Institut, D) |
A bisimulation method for cryptographic protocols,
M.Abadi (DEC SRC, USA) and AD.Gordon (Microsoft Research, UK) |
Observational logic, P.Resende (T U Lisbon, P) |
GRALPLA: an algebraic specification framework for
object oriented development , M.Gea and JC.Torres (U Granada, E) |
Deciding fixed and non-fixed size bit-vectors,
NS.Bjørner and M.Pichora (Stanford U, USA) |
Partial-congruence factorization of bisimilarity induced
by open Maps, S.Lasota (U Warsaw, PL) |
Class-multithreads algebraic specifications: new foundations,
GF.Mascari (IAC-CNR, I) |