09:00 |
Invited Lecture
Some mistakes I made and what I learned from
Cliff Jones (Harlequin Ltd, UK)
10:00 |
10:30 |
The Church-Rosser languages are the deterministic
variants of the growing context-sensitive languages, G.Niemann and
F.Otto (U Kassel, D) |
Fully local and efficient evaluation of alternating
fixed points, X.Liu, CR.Ramakrishnan and SA.Smolka (State U New York
at Stony Brook, USA) |
On piecewise testable, starfree, and recognizable
picture languages, O.Matz (U Kiel, D) |
ALBERT: a formal language and its supporting tools
for requirements engineering, E.Dubois (U Namur, B) |
Modular model checking of software, K.Laster and
O.Grumberg (Technion, IL) |
Deterministic rational transducers and random sequences,
S.Porrot and M.Dauchet (U Lille, F) |
RELVIEW - a system for calculating with relations
and relational programming, R.Behnke, R.Berghammer, E. Meyer and P.Schneider
(U Kiel, D) |
Verification based on local states, M.Huhn, P.Niebert
(U Hildesheim, D) and F.Wallner (U Munich, D) |
The WHILE hierarchy of program schemes is infinite,
C.Albayrak and T.Noll, (RWTH Aachen, D) |
MOBY/PLC - a Design Tool for Hierarchical Real-Time
Automata, J.Tapken (U Oldenburg, D) |
Exploiting symmetry in linear time temporal logic
model checking: one step beyond, K.Ajami (U Pierre et Marie Curie,
F), S.Haddad (U Pierre et Marie Curie, F) and J-M.Ilie (U Paris Dauphine,
F) |
12:30 |
14:30 |
A Cook's tour of equational axiomatizations for prefix
iteration, L.Aceto (BRICS, DK), W.Fokkink (U Wales, UK) and A.Ingölfsdöttir
(U Firenze, I) |
Compositional verification of distributed systems
specified by graph transformation, R.Heckel (U Pisa, I) |
Open/Caesar: an open software architecture for verification,
simulation, and testing, H.Garavel (INRIA, F) |
Pumping Lemmas for timed automata, D.Beauquier
(U Paris 12, F) |
A rule-based refinement of high-level nets preserving
safety properties, J.Padberg, M.Gajewsky and C.Ermel (TU Berlin, D) |
Practical model checking using games, P.Stevens
and C.Stirling (U Edinburgh, UK) |
The appearance of big integers in exact real arithmetic
based on linear fractional transformations, R.Heckmann (U Saarlandes,
D) |
Refining formal specifications of human computer interaction
by graph rewrite rules, B.Sucrow (U Essen, D) |
Combining finite automata, parallel programs and SDL
using Petri nets, B.Grahlmann (U Hildesheim, D) |
Partial metrics and co-continuous valuations, M.Bukatin
(Brandeis U, USA) and S.Yu.Shorina (Moscow State U, R) |
Distributed safety controllers for web services, A.Sandholm
and MI.Schwartzbach (U Aarhus, DK) |
MESA: support for scenario-based design of concurrent
systems, H.Ben-Abdallah (U Sfax, TN) and S.Leue (U Waterloo, CA) |
16:30 |
17:00 |
Panel discussion
Paradigms of software science - technical versus
human aspects
chair: Kai Koskimies (NRC/Hki, FI)
18:30 |