08:45 |
09:00 |
Functor categories and two-level languages, E.Moggi
(U Genova, I) |
Constructs, concepts and criteria for reuse in concurrent
object-oriented languages, U.Lechner (U St.Gallen, CH) |
Analysis of a guard condition in type theory, R.Amadio
and S.Coupet-Grimal (CMI-LIM, F) |
Navigation expressions in object-oriented modelling,
A.Hamie, J.Howse and S.Kent (U Brighton, UK) |
Mobile ambients, L.Cardelli and AD.Gordon (Microsoft
Research, UK) |
Algebra transformation systems and their composition,
M.Große-Rhode (U Pisa, I) |
10:30 |
11:00 |
Net refinement by pullback rewriting, R.Klempien-Hinrichs
(U Bremen, D) |
Reflections on the design of a specification language,
S.Kahrs and D.Sannella (U Edinburgh, UK) |
Minor searching, normal forms of graph rewriting:
two applications based on enumerations by graph rewriting, A.Bottreau
and Y.Metivier (U Bordeaux I, F) |
Behaviour analysis and safety conditions: a case study
in CML, H.Riis Nielson, T.Amtoft and F.Nielson (Aarhus U, DK) |
Rational term rewriting, A.Corradini (U Pisa,
I) and F.Gadducci (TU Berlin, D) |
Observational proofs with critical contexts, N.Berregeb,
A.Bouhoula and M.Rusinowitch (CRIN, F) |
12:30 |
14:30 |
Invited Lecture
Generalizing domain theory
Michael Mislove (Tulane U, USA)
15:30 |
16:00 |
An event structure semantics for P/T contextual nets:
asymmetric event structures, P.Baldan, A.Corradini and U.Montanari
(U Pisa, I) |
Specifying and analyzing dynamic software architectures,
R.Allen (IBM, USA), R.Douence (IRISA, F) and D.Garlan (CMU, USA) |
Asynchronous observations of processes, M.Boreale
(U Roma "La Sapienza", I), R.De Nicola and R.Pugliese (U Firenze,
I) |
Automated formal analysis of networks: FDR models
of arbitrary topologies and flow-control mechanisms, JN.Reed (Oxford
Brookes U, UK), DM.Jackson (Praxis Critical Systems, USA), DM.Deianov and
GM.Reed (Oxford U, UK) |
Resource based models for asynchrony, J.Rathke
(U Genova, I) |
Integrating AORTA with model-based data specification
languages, S.Bradley (Durham U, UK), W.Henderson, D.Kendall and A.Robson
(U Northumbria at Newcastle, UK) |
Deciding properties for message sequence charts, A.Muscholl
(U Stuttgart, D) and D.Peled (Bell Labs & CMU, USA) |
Model-checking CSP-Z, A.Mota and A.Sampaio (U
Pernambuco, Br) |
18:00 |