ETAPS 2014: 5-13 April 2014, Grenoble, France

ESOP 2014 Re-publication policy


Although multiple publication is in general wasteful of funds, space and human resources, ETAPS recognises that it is common in our scientific community for material to be presented at various stages of its evolution. As one example, this can take the form of publishing early ideas in a workshop, more developed work in a conference and fully developed contributions as journal or transactions papers. However ETAPS---on the line of what is done in other knowledge related associations such as the ACM and the IEEE---requires that this evolutionary process be fully referenced by the authors.


Submitted papers must be in English presenting original research. They must be unpublished and not ``under review'' for publication elsewhere (neither conferences, nor journals, nor workshop, independently from the means, if any, used to publish and/or publicise their contents). By ``under review'' we mean a manuscript that has been submitted and has not been either withdrawn or rejected. By ``rejected'' we mean that the authors have been explicitly and officially informed of rejection before
resubmitting to ETAPS (e.g., the notification of negative reviews in a rebuttal phase does not count as a rejection).

Simultaneous submission of the same contribution to any other event (included other ETAPS conferences) is therefore forbidden.

Prior publication of any work that is so closely related that may raise suspects of resubmission, must be clearly cited, its relationship to the current paper explained in the submission, and the program chair *must be explicitly informed*.

Program chairs may immediately reject papers that they judge to be in violation of this policy or for which the explicit  authorization of copyright transfer cannot be immediately produced and they can do so without consulting the program committee they chair.


If the present or previous form of a paper has previously appeared at a refereed venue, this fact should be noted on the front page of the submission and the ETAPS venue chair should be separately notified at the time of submission (by email, for example).

Submission of paper appeared in venues that have copyrighted proceedings is forbidden. This forbids submission of papers included in printed copyrighted form but also in proceeding published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer  Science(ENTCS), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), as well as proceeding published
electronically by the ACM Digital Library and that thus appear under the ACM copyright.

Submission of papers appeared in venues that do not have copyrighted proceedings is allowed provided that BOTH the following criteria are met:

  1. the publication of the proceedings is  EITHER informal (e.g., web page of the venue, technical report, Xerox copies) OR of limited distribution (proceeding available only at the venue) OR the  first venue targeted a geographically limited audience (e.g., national conference, working group meeting);
  2. the  call for papers for the first venue clearly states that publication in the venue is not intended to preclude later   publication.

Requests to authors:

If you are ever in doubt about a particular case, please either discuss it in advance with the program chair(s), or inform the program chair(s) at the time of submission. Failure to do so risks automatic rejection of all submissions.