Satellite Events

Programme Satellite Events

Several satellite events are organized at the weekend 22–23 April before the main conferences. Please refer to the list of them below.

In case of any general questions regarding satellite events, please contact the workshop chairs Benedikt Bollig and Stefan Haar.

COOP 2023
Sun, 23 April
Room: Grisvard
4th Workshop on Cooperative Software Verification
Organized by: Dirk Beyer, Heike Wehrheim
CREST 2023
Sun, 23 April
Room: Room 204
6th Workshop on Formal Reasoning about Causation, Responsibility, & Explanations in Science & Technology
Organized by: Georgiana Caltais, Ebru Aydin Gol
Sun, 23 April
Room: Room 01
10th Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis
Organized by: Fabio Fioravanti
LiVe 2023
Sat, 22 April
Room: Hermite
7th Workshop on Learning in Verification
Organized by: Jan Křetínský
EMW 2023
Sun, 23 April
Room: Darboux
ETAPS Mentoring Workshop
Organized by: Wolfgang Ahrendt, Stephan Merz, Caterina Urban
Sat, 22 April
Room: Darboux
14th International Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software
Organized by: Ilaria Castellani, Alceste Scalas
RRRR 2023
Sat, 22 April
Room: Grisvard
2nd Workshop on Reproducibility and Replication of Research Results
Organized by: Dirk Beyer, Arnd Hartmanns
RW 2023
Sun, 23 April
Room: Hermite
3rd Rust Verification Workshop
Organized by: Rajeev Joshi, Nicholas Matsakis, Peter Müller
SV-COMP 2023

Room: 24-25/405
Competition on Software Verification
Organized by: Dirk Beyer
SynCoP 2023
Sat, 22 April – Sun, 23 April
Room: Room 201
8th International Workshop on Synthesis of Complex Parameters
Organized by: Engel Lefaucheux, Didier Lime
TADM 2023
Sat, 22 April
Room: Room 05
2nd International Workshop on Trusted Automated Decision-Making
Organized by: Ramesh Bharadwaj, Ilya Parker
Test-Comp 2023

Room: 24-25/405
Competition on Software Testing
Organized by: Dirk Beyer
Sun, 23 April
Room: Room 421
1st Workshop on Trends in Configurable Systems Analysis
Organized by: Maurice ter Beek, Clemens Dubslaff
Sat, 22 April
Room: Room 01
TLA+ Community Meeting
Organized by: Stephan Merz, Igor Konnov, Markus Kuppe
VerifyThis 2023
Sat, 22 April – Sun, 23 April
Room: Blbliothèque
VerifyThis Verification Competition
Organized by: Marieke Huisman, Rosemary Monahan, Peter Müller, Mattias Ulbrich, Stephen Siegel, Xavier Denis
Sun, 23 April
Room: Room 05
Workshop on the Model Checking Contest
Organized by: Fabrice Kordon, Hubert Garavel, Pierre Bouvier, Emmanuel Paviot-Adet, Loig Jezequel, Francis Hulin-Hubard