by Andrzej Wąsowski and Nikolai Kosmatov — 20 December 2023
Topics: Etaps, Industry
Formal Methods, Verification, Validation, Testing, Programming Languages, Modeling, Code Generation—you may imagine that we are enumerating research areas represented in the ETAPS conference? Yes, you are right. But in 2024, these topics are not only research areas, but also areas of active investment and applications in the software and systems industry. Our research field had come of age a long time ago, and is used today on a daily basis in production of a variety of software systems, from the avionics and automotive sectors, through cloud and virtualization infrastructure to web-based and mobile clients of social networks. We strongly believe that an increased interaction between researchers and practitioners can only further accelerate research and development in our field, with a win for both sides.
For this reason, we are trying something new in 2024: the ETAPS Industry Day, a one-day event devoted to research-industry interaction. The day will feature talks by industrial researchers and practitioners, describing their completed and running projects, open problems, and interest in collaboration. We also plan an interactive networking session, lighting talks from the audience, and a presentation about funding opportunities offered by the European Commission.
Speakers from four companies have already confirmed keynote presentations: David Delmas from Airbus, Fritz Henglein from Deon Digital, Yannick Moy from AdaCore, and Jan Peleska from Verified Systems International. More information is available at the industry day page including a submission link for proposing talks on industrial projects and collaborations.
We hope you share our excitement and will support the program with a submission, or by joining the event in Luxembourg. Let the new research advances, grant proposals, practical applications and collaborations between the academic and industrial participants result out of this event, strengthening the community overall.