TACAS 2013 accepted papers
You can find information about LNCS proceedings (LNCS 7795) at http://www.springeronline.com/978-3-642-36741-0 or access the online version at http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-36741-0/.
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Sascha Böhme, Andrei Popescu and Nicholas Smallbone: Encoding Monomorphic and Polymorphic Types
David White and Gerald Lüttgen: Identifying Dynamic Data Structures by Learning Evolving Patterns in Memory
Ebrahim Ardeshir-Larijani, Simon Gay and Rajagopal Nagarajan: Equivalence Checking Quantum Protocols
Siert Wieringa and Keijo Heljanko: Asynchronous Multi-Core Incremental SAT Solving
Yasuhiko Minamide: Weighted Pushdown Systems with Indexed Weight Domains
Alessandro Cimatti, Alberto Griggio, Bastiaan Joost Schaafsma and Roberto Sebastiani: The MathSAT5 SMT Solver
Radu Mateescu and Gwen Salaün: PIC2LNT: Model Transformation for Model Checking an Applied Pi-calculus
Michael Benedikt, Rastislav Lenhardt and James Worrell: LTL model checking of Interval Markov Chains
Boyang Li, Isil Dillig, Thomas Dillig, Ken Mcmillan and Mooly Sagiv: Synthesis of Circular Compositional Program Proofs via Abduction
Aaron Bohy, Véronique Bruyère, Emmanuel Filiot and Jean-Francois Raskin: Synthesis from LTL Specifications with Mean-Payoff Objectives
Etienne Renault, Fabrice Kordon, Alexandre Duret-Lutz and Denis Poitrenaud: Strength-based decomposition of the property Büchi automaton for faster model-checking
Jean-Francois Kempf, Marius Bozga and Oded Maler: As Soon as Probable: Optimal Scheduling under Stochastic Uncertainty
Patrice Godefroid and Mihalis Yannakakis: Analysis of Boolean Programs
Kshitij Bansal, Eric Koskinen, Thomas Wies and Damien Zufferey: Structural Counter Abstraction
Michael Backes, Sebastian Gerling, Christian Hammer, Matteo Maffei and Philipp von Styp-Rekowsky: AppGuard - Enforcing User Requirements on Android Apps
Fu Song and Tayssir Touili: LTL Model-Checking for Malware Detection
Anton Belov, Matti Järvisalo and Joao Marques-Silva: Formula Preprocessing in MUS Extraction
Anna Lisa Ferrara, P. Madhusudan and Gennaro Parlato: Policy Analysis for Self-Administrated Role-Based Access Control
Robert Nagy, Gerardo Schneider and Aram Timofeitchik: Automatic Testing of Real-Time Graphic Systems
Juergen Christ, Jochen Hoenicke and Alexander Nutz: Proof Tree Preserving Interpolation
Yakir Vizel, Orna Grumberg and Sharon Shoham: Intertwined Forward-Backward Reachability Analysis Using Interpolants
Milos Gligoric and Rupak Majumdar: Model Checking Database Applications
Byron Cook, Abigail See and Florian Zuleger: Ramsey vs. lexicographic termination proving
Giorgio Bacci, Giovanni Bacci, Kim G. Larsen and Radu Mardare: On-the-Fly Exact Computation of Bisimilarity Distances
Ajith John and Supratik Chakraborty: Extending Quantifier Elimination to Linear Inequalities on Bit-vectors
Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Yu-Fang Chen, Carl Leonardsson and Ahmed Rezine: Memorax: Fence Inference under the TSO Memory Model
Sjoerd Cranen, Jan Friso Groote, Jeroen Keiren, Frank Stappers, Erik de Vink, Wieger Wesselink and Tim Willemse: Ins and outs of the mCRL2 toolset
Sooraj Bhat, Johannes Borgström, Andy Gordon and Claudio Russo: Deriving Probability Density Functions from Probabilistic Functional Programs
Taolue Chen, Vojtech Forejt, Marta Kwiatkowska, David Parker and Aistis Simaitis: PRISM-games: A Model Checker for Stochastic Multi-Player Games
Radu Grigore, Dino Distefano, Rasmus Lerchedahl Petersen and Nikos Tzevelekos: Runtime Verification Based on Register Automata
Alexander Linden and Pierre Wolper: A Verification-Based Approach to Memory Fence Insertion in PSO Memory Systems
Pierre Ganty, Radu Iosif and Filip Konecny: Underapproximation of Procedure Summaries for Integer Programs
Grigory Fedyukovich, Ondrej Sery and Natasha Sharygina: eVolCheck: Incremental Upgrade Checker for C
Anton Wijs and Luc Engelen: Efficient Property Preservation Checking of Model Refinements
Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Frédéric Haziza, Lukas Holik, Bengt Jonsson and Ahmed Rezine: An Integrated Specification and Verification Technique for Highly Concurrent Data Structures
Aleksandra Jovanovic, Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux: Integer Parameter Synthesis for Timed Automata
Graeme Gange, Jorge A. Navas, Peter J. Stuckey, Harald Sondergaard and Peter Schachte: Unbounded Model-Checking with Interpolation for Regular Language Constraints
Christian Eisentraut, Holger Hermanns, Johann Schuster, Andrea Turrini and Lijun Zhang: The Quest for Minimal Quotients for Probabilistic Automata
Corina Pasareanu, Daniel Balasubramanian, Gabor Karsai and Michael Lowry: Polyglot: Systematic Analysis for Multiple Statechart Formalisms
Yu-Fang Chen and Bow-Yaw Wang: BULL: a Library for Learning Algorithms of Boolean Functions
Chung-Hao Huang, Sven Schewe and Farn Wang: Model-Checking Iterative Games
Masoud Koleini, Eike Ritter and Mark Ryan: Model checking agent knowledge in dynamic access control policies