ETAPS 2011 Workshops
ACCAT - Applied and Computational Category Theory
The originators of the ACCAT workshops are Hartmut Ehrig (Berlin) and Jochen Pfalzgraf (Salzburg) starting with the 1st ACCAT workshop at ETAPS 2006. Category Theory is a well-known powerful mathematical modeling language with a wide area of applications in mathematics and computer science, including especially the semantical foundations of topics in software science and development. Since about 30 years there have been workshops including these topics. More recently, the ACCAT group established by Jochen Pfalzgraf at Linz and Salzburg has begun to study interesting applications of category theory in Geometry,Neurobiology, Cognitive Sciences, and Artificial Intelligence. It is the intention of this ACCAT workshop to bring together leading researchers in these areas with those in Software Science and Development in order to transfer categorical concepts and theories in both directions. The workshop will consist of about 12 invited lectures where extended abstracts will be presented.
Contact: Thomas Soboll
Workshop website:
ARSPA-WITS - Joint Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and Issues in the Theory of Security (now is TOSCA)
WITS2011 is the twelfth workshop of the IFIP WG 1.7 on ``Theoretical Foundations of Security Analysis and Design'', that promotes the investigation on theoretical foundations of security, discovering and promoting new applications of theoretical techniques and supporting the systematic use of formal techniques. ARSPA2011 is the eighth workshop on ``Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis", for researchers and practitioners from the security and the formal methods communities, from academia and industry, who are working on automated reasoning techniques and tools for the specification and analysis of security protocols. This year the two workhops join forces and invite researchers working on security issues to participate and present their recent results in theory, as well as in automated reasoning techniques and tools.
Contact: Sebastian Mödersheim, Catuscia Palamidessi
Workshop website:
BYTECODE - Sixth Workshop on Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation
Bytecode, such as produced by e.g. Java and .NET compilers, has become an important topic of interest, both for industry and academia. The industrial interest stems from the fact that bytecode is typically used for Internet and mobile devices (smart-cards, phones, etc.) applications, where security is a major issue. Moreover, bytecode is device-independent and allows dynamic loading of classes, which provides an extra challenge for the application of formal methods. In addition, the unstructuredness of the code and the pervasive presence of the operand stack also provide extra challenges for the analysis of bytecode. This workshop will focus on theoretical and practical aspects of semantics, verification, analysis, certification and transformation of bytecode.
Contact: Pierre Ganty, Mark Marron
Workshop website:
COCV - 10th International Workshop on Compiler Optimization Meets Compiler Verification
COCV provides a forum for researchers and practitioners working on optimizing and verifying compilation, and on related fields such as translation validation, certifying compilation and embedded systems with a special emphasis on hardware verification, formal synthesis methods, correctness aspects in HW/SW co-design, formal verification of hardware/software systems, and practical and industrial applications of formal techniques for exchanging their latest findings, and for plumbing the mutual impact of these fields on each other. By encouraging discussions and co-operations across different, yet related fields, the workshop strives for bridging the gap between the communities, and for stimulating synergies and cross-fertilizations among them.
Contact: Jens Knoop, Wolf Zimmermann
DICE - 2nd International Workshop on Developments in Implicit Computational complExity
The area of Implicit Computational Complexity (ICC) grew out from several proposals to use logic and formal methods to provide languages for complexity-bounded computation (e.g. Ptime, Logspace computation). It aims at studying the computational complexity of programs without referring to external measuring conditions or a particular machine model, but only by considering language restrictions or logical/computational principles entailing complexityproperties. Several approaches have been explored for that purpose, like restrictions on primitive recursion and ramification, rewriting systems, linear logic, types and lambda calculus, interpretations of functional and imperative programs. The workshop is intended to be a forum for researchers interested in ICC to present new results and discuss recent developments in this area.
Contact: Jean-Yves Marion
Workshop website:
FESCA - 8th International Workshop on Formal Engineering Approaches to Software Components and Architectures
Component-based software design has received considerable attention in industry and academia in the past decade. In recent years, the growing need for trustworthy software systems and the increased relevance of systems reliability, performance, and scalability have stimulated the emergence of formal techniques and architecture modelling approachesfor the specification and implementation of component-based software architectures. Both have to deal with an increasing complexity in software systems, challenging analytical methods as well as modelling techniques.
FESCA aims to address the open question of how formal methods can be applied effectively to these new contexts and challenges. FESCA is interested in both the development and application of formal methods in component-based development and tries to cross-fertilize their research and application. Besides technical presentations, FESCA this year brings also an invited keynote by Rolf Hennicker, and a tool tutorial by Michael Hauck (for details, see the FESCA website).
Contact: Barbora Buhnova, Jens Happe
Workshop website:
GaLoP VI - Games for Logic and Programming Languages
GaLoP is an annual international workshop on game-semantic models for logics and programming languages and their applications. It is an informal workshop that welcomes work in progress, overviews of more extensive work, programmatic or position papers and tutorials as well as contributed papers.
Contact: Dan Ghica
Workshop website:
GT-VMT - 10th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques
GT-VMT 2011 is the tenth workshop of a series that serves as a forum for all researchers and practitioners interested in the use of graph-based notation, techniques and tools for the specification, modeling, validation, manipulation and verification of complex systems. The aim of the workshop is to promote engineering approaches that provide effective sound tool support for visual modelling languages, enhancing formal reasoning at the semantic level (e.g., for model analysis, transformation, and consistency management) in different domains, such as UML, Petri Nets, Graph Transformation or Business Process/Workflow Models. This year's workshop has a special focus on the visualisation, simulation, and verification of evolving systems. In particular, the workshop will center on the analysis of changes, upgrades and any sort of evolution that can target software systems, possibly with those run-time features that are often present in modern architectures, such as the plug-in based and service oriented ones.
Contact: Fabio Gadducci, Leonardo Mariani
Workshop website:
HAS - Hybrid Autonomous Systems
The variety of autonomous systems is increasing both in industry and academia. Such systems must operate with limited human intervention in a changing environment and they must be able to compensate for significant system failure without external intervention. In highly autonomous systems, the system behavior is normally so complex that it is either impossible or inappropriate to describe it with conventional mathematical system models. The complexity of the system model needed in design depends on both the complexity of the physical system and on how demanding the design specifications are. The most appropriate models of autonomous systems can be find in the class are hybrid systems (which study continuous-state dynamic processes via discrete-state controllers) that interact with their environment. The workshop will bring together researchers interested in all aspects of autonomy and adaptivity of hybrid systems.
Contact: Martin Fränzle, Antonios Tsourdos
Workshop website:
iWIGP2011 - International Workshop on Interactions, Games and Protocols
This workshop aims at the interrelation between interactions, games and protocols. How does computer science deal with nondeterministic interactions where the actions a system takes are not (completely) determined by the interactions the system is involved in? In computer science, nondeterministic interactions are usually described by protocols. However, these interactions can also be viewed as games. As to be expected, games have become an increasingly important modeling tool for computer science where nondeterministic interactions are involved – from foundations in game semantics and reactive systems to applications in communication protocols and electronic business applications. The goal of this workshop is to bring researchers from industry and academia together and to explore how a better understanding of the interrelation between interactions, games and protocols leads to better-designed and more reliable nondeterministic interacting systems.
Contact: Johannes Reich
Workshop website:
LDTA - Eleventh Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications
The LDTA workshops bring together researchers interested in the field of formal language definitions and language technologies, with an emphasis on tools developed for or with these language definitions. Several specification formalisms like attribute grammars, action semantics, operational semantics, term rewriting, and algebraic approaches have been developed over the years. Of specific interest are the formal analysis of language specifications, and the automatic generation of language processing tools from suchspecifications. These tools typically perform some sort of program analysis, transformation, or generation. Also of interest are applications of such tools in domains including, but not limited to, modeling languages, re-engineering and re-factoring, aspect-oriented and domain-specific languages, XML processing, visualization and graph transformation.
Contact: Emilie Balland
Workshop website:
MBT - Seventh Workshop on Model-Based Testing (CANCELLED)
MBT 2011 is devoted to model-based testing of both software and hardware. Model-based testing uses models that describe the behaviour of the system under consideration to guide such efforts as test selection and test results evaluation. Model-based testing has gained attention with the popularization of models in software/hardware design and development. Of particular importance are formal models with precise semantics, such as state-based formalisms, algebraic specifications, or other mathematical descriptions of possible system behavior. Testing with such models allows one to detect subtle bugs and at the same time to measure the degree of the product's conformance with the model. The intent of this workshop is to bring together researchers and users using different kinds of models for testing and to discuss the state of the art in theory, applications, tools, and industrialization of model-based testing.
Contact: Bruno Legeard, Alexander K. Petrenko, Jan Tretmans
Workshop website:
PLACES - Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software
This workshop aims to offer a forum for researchers from different fields to exchange new ideas on one of the central challenges in programming in the near future: the development of programming methodologies and infrastructures where concurrency and communicationare the norm rather than a marginal concern, be it for web services, sensor networks, multicore CPUs, data centre, business integration or high-performance computing. The development of effective programming methodologies for this new area demands exploration and understanding of a wide range of ideas and methodologies, from language primitivesto concurrent data structures to types for linearity and communication to static analysis to runtime architectures. The workshop is dedicated to the focused exchange of new ideas on these topics in the quest for a unifying picture in this new area of programming methodologies.
Contact: Alastair Beresford, Simon Gay, Kohei Honda, Alan Mycroft, Vasco T. Vasconcelos, Nobuko Yoshida
Workshop website:
QAPL - 9th Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems
Quantitative aspects of computation refer to the use of physical quantities (time, bandwidth, etc.) as well as mathematical quantities (e.g. probabilities) for the characterisation of the behaviour and for determining the properties of systems. Such quantities play a centralrole in defining both the model of systems (architecture, language design, semantics) and the methodologies and tools for the analysis and verification of system properties. The aim of the QAPL workshop series is to discuss the explicit use of time and probability and general quantities either directly in the model or as a tool for the analysis of systems.
Contact: Mieke Massink, Gethin Norman
Workshop website:
ROCKS - Rigorous dependability analysis using model checking techniquesfor stochastic systems
Since dependability properties are often stochastic in nature, stochastic analysis techniques are crucial in developing reliable computer systems. This workshop focuses on two increasingly prominent system classes, which are not amenable to classic stochastic analysistechniques. For large-scale homogeneous systems (e.g. wireless sensor networks and gossiping protocols) standard compositional approaches fail due to the quantity of components. In safety-critical heterogeneous systems (e.g. production plants and automotive control systems) the challenge is to handle the diversity of system modalities. This workshop covers techniques that automatically synthesize the optimal design given a system configuration or parameter set for both system classes. Also architectural descriptionlanguages are addressed as they are increasingly used to describe complex systems, but analysis techniques are often lacking.
Contact: Pepijn Crouzen, Anne Remke
Workshop website:
SVARM - Workshop on Synthesis, Verification, and Analysis of Rich Models
Workshop on Synthesis, Verification, and Analysis of Rich Models (SVARM) explores directions and techniques for making automated reasoning, analysis, and synthesis applicable to a wider range of problems, as well as making these techniques easier to use by researchers and developers.
Contact: Rupak Majumdar
Workshop website:
TERMGRAPH - 6th International Workshop on Computing with Terms and Graphs
The advantage of computing with graphs rather than terms is that common subexpressions can be shared, improving the efficiency of computations in space and time. Sharing is ubiquitous in implementations of pro- gramming languages: many functional, logic, object-oriented and concurrent calculi are implemented using term graphs. Research in term and graph rewriting ranges from theoretical questions to practical implemen- tation issues. Different researchareas include: the modelling of first- and higher-order term rewriting by (acyclic or cyclic) graph rewriting, the use of graphical frameworks such as interaction nets and sharing graphs (optimal reduction), rewrite calculi for the semantics and analysis of functional programs, graph reduction implementations of programming languages, graphical calculi modelling concurrent and mobile computations, object-oriented systems, graphs as models of biologicalor chemical abstract machines, and automated reasoning and symbolic computation systems working on shared structures.
Contact: Rachid Echahed
Workshop website:
WGT - 3rd Workshop on Generative Technologies
Generative programming is a recently emerged programming paradigm assisting the creation of flexible libraries, software development automation, and compile-time code transformation. The programming paradigm consists of numerous styles, including aspect-orientation, template metaprogramming, intentional programming, generic programming, and others. These programming styles are becoming everyday tools for today's programmers designing and implementing software ever growing in size and complexity.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers working in this area to discuss the state-of-the-art generative technologies and tools, and also exchange ideas about the future of the generative paradigm. Papers describing practical applications ofgenerative styles, and new possible directions of the paradigm are expected.
Contact: Norbert Pataki, Zoltán Porkoláb, Melinda Simon
Workshop website: