ETAPS 2011 Best Papers
EAPLS award
Dominik Grewe, Michael O'Boyle. A static task partitionic approach for heterogeneous systems using OpenGL. CC 2011. [doi link]
EASST award
Alessandro Cimatti, Iman Narasamdya, Marco Roveri. Boosting lazy abstraction for SystemC with partial order reduction. TACAS 2011. [doi link]
EATCS award
Sylvain Conchon, Evelyne Contejean, Mohamed Iguernelala. Canonized rewriting and ground AC-completion modulo Shostak theories. TACAS 2011. [doi link]
Springer's best student paper awards
Matteo Mio. Probabilistic modal mu-calculus with independent product. FoSSaCS 2011. [doi link]
Sebastian Buchwald, Andreas Zwinkau, Thomas Bersch. SSA-based register allocation with PBQP. CC 2011. [doi link]
Best paper award nominees
Patrick Cousot, Radhia Cousot, Laurent Mauborgne. The reduced product of abstract domains and the combination of decision procedures. FoSSaCS 2011. [doi link]
José Luiz Fiadeiro, Antónia Lopes. An interface theory for service-oriented design. FASE 2011. [doi link]
Alberto Griggio, Thi Thieu Hoa Le, Roberto Sebastiani. Efficient interpolant generation in satisfiability modulo linear integer algebra. TACAS 2011. [doi link]
Huiqing Li, Simon Thompson. Incremental code clone detection and elimination for Erlang programs. FASE 2011. [doi link]
Mieke Massink, Diego Latella, Andrea Bracciali, Jane Hillston. Modelling non-linear crowd dynamics in Bio-PEPA. FASE 2011. [doi link]
Yaron Velner, Alexander Rabinovich. Church synthesis problem for noisy input. FoSSaCS 2011. [doi link]