CC 2010, International Conference on Compiler Construction
ESOP 2010, European Symposium on Programming
FASE 2010, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
FOSSACS 2010, Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
TACAS 2010, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
ETAPS conferences accept two types of contributions: research papers and tool demonstration papers. Both types will appear in the proceedings and have presentations during the conference. A condition of submission is that, if the submission is accepted, one of the authors attends the conference to give the presentation. Submitted papers must be in English presenting original research. They must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. In particular, simultaneous submission of the same contribution to multiple ETAPS conferences is forbidden.
Papers should be submitted electronically using following the instructions on the website of the main conferences. The proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Final papers will be in the format specified by Springer-Verlag at the URL: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html .
Submissions not adhering to the specified format and length may be rejected immediately, without review.
Research Papers
Papers should not exceed the page limit of the conference to which they will be submitted (including figures and references). Additional material intended for the referee but not for publication in the final version - for example details of proofs - may be placed in a clearly marked appendix that is not included in the page limit. ETAPS referees are at liberty to ignore appendices, and papers must be understandable without them.
Note that from this year the different ETAPS conferences will have different page limits. Specifically, FASE, FOSSACS and TACAS will have a page limit of 15 pages, whereas CC and ESOP will have a page limit of 20 pages.
Tool Demonstration Papers
Submissions should consist of two parts.
- The first part, at most four pages, should describe the tool presented Please include the URL of the tool (if available) and provide information that illustrates the maturity and robustness of the tool (this part will be included in the proceedings).
- The second part, at most six pages, should explain how the demonstration will be carried out and what it will show, including screen dumps and examples. (This part will be not be included in the proceedings, but will be evaluated.)
Please note that FOSSACS does not accept tool demonstration papers.
Important Dates
- 1 October 2009: Submission deadline for abstracts (strict)
- 8 October 2009: Submission deadline for full papers (strict)
- 11 December 2009: Notification of acceptance/rejection
- 4 January 2010: Camera-ready versions due (strict)
- 20-28 March 2010: ETAPS 2010
International Conference on Compiler Construction
CC is interested in work on processing programs in the most general sense: analyzing, transforming or executing input that describes how a system operates, including traditional compiler construction as a special case.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Compilation and interpretation techniques, including program representation and analysis, code generation and code optimization
- Run-time techniques, including memory management and dynamic and just-in-time compilation
- Programming tools, from refactoring editors to checkers to compilers to virtual machines to debuggers
- Techniques for specific domains, such as secure, parallel, distributed, embedded or mobile environments
- Design of novel language constructs and their implementation
Programme Committee
- Michael O'Boyle, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Jack Davidson, University of Virginia, USA
- Paul Feautrier, ENS de Lyon, France
- Guang Gao, University of Delaware, USA
- Antonio Gonzalez, Intel and UPC, Spain
- Rajiv Gupta, University of California, Riverside, USA (Chair)
- Laurie Hendren, McGill University, Canada
- Robert Hundt, Google, CA, USA
- Suresh Jagannathan, Purdue University, USA
- Chandra Krintz, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
- Julia Lawall, DIKU, Denmark
- Madan Musuvathi, Microsoft Research, USA
- Yunheung Paek, Seoul National University, Korea
- Santosh Pande, Georgia Tech, USA
- Vivek Sarkar, Rice University, USA
- Bernhard Scholz, University of Sydney, Australia
- Bjorn De Sutter, Ghent University, Belgium
- Andreas Zeller, Saarland University, Germany
- Christoph von Praun, Ohm University of Applied Sciences, Germany
European Symposium on Programming,
ESOP is an annual conference devoted to fundamental issues in the specification, analysis, and implementation of programming languages and systems. ESOP 2009 is the eighteenth edition in this series and seeks contributions on all aspects of programming language research including, but not limited to, the following areas:
- Programming paradigms and styles: functional programming, aspect-oriented programming, object-oriented programming, logic programming, constraint programming, extensible programming languages, domain-specific languages, biologically-inspired languages, synchronous and real-time programming languages;
- Methods and tools to write, reason about, and specify languages and programs: module systems, programming techniques, meta programming, type systems, logical foundations, denotational semantics, operational semantics, program verification, static analysis, testing, language-based security;
- Methods and tools for implementation: rewriting systems, program transformations, partial evaluation, experimental evaluations, virtual machines, intermediate languages, run-time environments;
- Concurrency and distribution: parallel programming, process algebras, concurrency theory, service-oriented computing, distributed and mobile languages.
Programme Committee
- Amal Ahmed, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (USA)
- Anindya Banerjee, Kansas State University (USA)
- Lars Birkedal, IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
- Marzia Buscemi, IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies (Italy)
- Giuseppe Castagna, CNRS, Université Denis Diderot, Paris (France)
- Patrick Cousot, ENS, Paris (France)
- Dino Distefano, Queen Mary, University of London (UK)
- Cormac Flanagan, UC Santa Cruz (USA)
- Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft Research, Redmond (USA)
- Giorgio Ghelli, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Andrew D. Gordon, (chair) Microsoft Research, Cambridge (UK)
- Mike Hicks, University of Maryland (USA)
- Naoki Kobayashi, Tohoku University (Japan)
- Matteo Maffei, Saarland University - MMCI (Germany)
- Conor McBride, Strathclyde University (UK)
- Anna Philippou, University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
- Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg (Germany)
- Erik Poll, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (Netherlands)
- Julian Rathke, University of Southampton (UK)
- Didier Rémy, INRIA Rocquencourt (France)
- David Sands, Chalmers University, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- Helmut Seidl, TU Munich (Germany)
- Greta Yorsh, IBM Research (USA)
- Steve Zdancevic, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
FASE is concerned with the foundations on which Software Engineering is built. Submissions should not focus on the application or evaluation of given methods, tools or techniques for their own sake but, rather, the principles on which they are based and the way in which they contribute to making Software Engineering a more mature and soundly-based discipline. Contributions that combine the development of conceptual and methodological advances with their formal foundations and tool support are particularly encouraged. We welcome contributions on all such fundamental approaches, including:
- SE as an engineering discipline, including its interaction with and impact on society;
- Requirements engineering: capture, consistency, and change management of software requirements;
- Software architectures: description and analysis of the architecture of individual systems or classes of applications;
- Specification, design, and implementation of particular classes of systems: adaptive, collaborative, embedded, distributed, mobile, pervasive, or service-oriented applications;
- Software quality: validation and verification of software using theorem proving, model-checking, testing, analysis, metrics or visualisation techniques;
- Model-driven development and model-transformation: design and semantics of semi-formal visual languages, consistency and transformation of models;
- Software processes: support for iterative, agile, and open source development;
- Software evolution: refactoring, reverse and re-engineering, configuration management and architectural change, or aspect-orientation.
Programme Committee
- Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin (USA)
- Antonia Bertolino, ISTI-CNR (Italy)
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Università dell'Aquila (Italy)
- Serge Demeyer, University of Antwerp (Belgium)
- Alexander Egyed, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria)
- Sebastian Elbaum, University of Nebraska - Lincoln (USA)
- José Fiadeiro University of Leicester (UK)
- Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Carnegie Mellon University/NASA Ames (USA)
- Holger Giese, Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam (Germany)
- Reiko Heckel, University of Leicester (UK)
- Paola Inverardi, Università dell'Aquila (Italy)
- Jana Köhler, IBM Research Zurich (Switzerland)
- Rainer Koschke, University of Bremen (Germany)
- Juan de Lara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
- Emmanuel Letier, University College London (UK)
- Tom Maibaum, McMaster University (Canada)
- Tiziana Margeria, Universität Potsdam (Germany)
- Gail Murphy, University of British Columbia (Canada)
- Mauro Pezzè, University of Lugano (Switzerland) and Univeristy of Milan Bicocca (Italy)
- Leila Ribeiro, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
- Andy Schürr, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
- Perdita Stevens, (University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Harald Störrle, University of Munich (Germany)
- Dániel Varró, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
- Heike Wehrheim, University of Paderborn (Germany)
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
FOSSACS seeks original papers on foundational research with a clear significance for software science. The conference invites submissions on theories and methods to support the analysis, integration, synthesis, transformation, and verification of programs and software systems. The specific topics covered by the conference include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Algebraic models;
- Automata and language theory;
- Behavioural equivalences;
- Categorical models;
- Computation processes over discrete and continuous data;
- Infinite state systems;
- Computation structures;
- Logics of programs;
- Modal, spatial, and temporal logics;
- Models of concurrent, reactive, distributed, and mobile systems;
- Process algebras and calculi;
- Semantics of programming languages;
- Software specification and refinement;
- Type systems and type theory;
- Fundamentals of security;
- Semi-structured data;
- Program correctness and verification.
Programme Committee
- Andreas Abel, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
- Christel Baier, University of Dresden
- Patrick Baillot, ENS Lyon
- Mikolaj Bojanczyk, University of Warsaw
- Patricia Bouyer, ENS Cachan
- Krishnendu Chatterjee, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
- Hubert Comon, ENS Cachan
- Thierry Coquand, Göteborg University
- Herman Geuvers, Radboud University Nijmegen
- Masahito Hasegawa, Kyoto University
- Ranko Lazic, University of Warwick
- John Longley, University of Edinburgh
- Carsten Lutz, University of Bremen
- Guy McCusker, University of Bath
- Angelo Montanari, University of Udine
- Markus Muller-Olm, University of Muenster
- Rocco De Nicola, University of Firenze
- Luke Ong, (chair) University of Oxford
- Jens Palsberg, University of California at Los Angeles
- Dusko Pavlovic, Kestrel Institute and University of Oxford
- Benjamin Pierce, University of Pennsylvania
- Alexander Rabinovich, University of Tel Aviv
- Jan Rutten, CWI and Free University Amsterdam
- Makoto Tatsuta, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
TACAS is a forum for researchers, developers and users interested in rigorously based tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems. The conference serves to bridge the gaps between different communities that share common interests in, and techniques for, tool development and its algorithmic foundations. The research areas covered by such communities include but are not limited to formal methods, software and hardware verification, static analysis, programming languages, software engineering, real-time systems, communications protocols, and biological systems. The TACAS forum provides a venue for such communities at which common problems, heuristics, algorithms, data structures and methodologies can be discussed and explored. In doing so, TACAS aims to support researchers in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, flexibility and efficiency of tools and algorithms for building systems.
Tool descriptions and case studies with a conceptual message, as well as theoretical papers with clear relevance for tool construction are all encouraged. The specific topics covered by the conference include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Specification and verification techniques for finite and infinite-state systems;
- Software and hardware verification;
- Theorem-proving and model-checking;
- System construction and transformation techniques;
- Static and run-time analysis;
- Abstraction techniques for modeling and validation;
- Compositional and refinement-based methodologies;
- Testing and test-case generation;
- Analytical techniques for secure, real-time, hybrid, critical, biological or dependable systems;
- Integration of formal methods and static analysis in high-level hardware design or software environments;
- Tool environments and tool architectures;
- SAT solvers;
- Applications and case studies.
Programme Committee
- Parosh Abdulla, Uppsala University (Sweden)
- Josh Berdine, Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK)
- Armin Biere (tool chair),
Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria)
- Bruno Blanchet, ENS, Paris (France)
- Bernard Boigelot, University of Liege (Belgium)
- Rance Cleaveland , University of Maryland& Fraunhofer USA Inc., College Park, Maryland (USA)
- Giorgio Delzanno, University of Genova (Italy)
- Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research Redmond (USA)
- Javier Esparza (co-chair),
Technische Universität München, Munich (Germany)
- Susanne Graf , VERIMAG, Grenoble - Gières (France)
- Vineet Kahlon, NEC Labs, Princeton (USA)
- Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen (Germany)
- Stefan Kowalewski, RWTH Aachen (Germany)
- Daniel Kroening, Oxford University (UK)
- Orna Kupferman , Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Israel)
- Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg University (Denmark)
- Rupak Majumdar (co-chair),
UC Los Angeles (USA)
- Ken McMillan, Cadence Berkeley Labs (USA)
- Madhavan Mukund, Chennai Mathematical Institute (India)
- Anca Muscholl, LABRI, Bordeaux (France)
- Doron Peled, Bar-Ilan University (Israel)
- C. R. Ramakrishnan , SUNY Stony Brook (USA)
- S. Ramesh, GM India Science Laboratory, Bangalore (India)
- Sanjit Seshia, UC Berkeley (USA)
- Oleg Sokolsky, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
- Bernhard Steffen, Technical University Dortmund (Germany)
- Tayssir Touili, LIAFA Paris 7 (France)
- Lenore Zuck , University of Illinois, Chicago (USA)