FoSSaCS 2021 Accepted Papers
Generalized Bounded Linear Logic and Its Categorical Semantics
Interpolation and Amalgamation for Arrays with MaxDiff
Parametricity for Primitive Nested Types
The Structure of Sum-Over-Paths, its Consequences, and Completeness for Clifford
A String Diagrammatic Axiomatisation of Finite-State Automata
The Spirit of Node Replication
On the Expressiveness of Büchi Arithmetic
General Semantic Construction of Dependent Refinement Type Systems, Categorically
Fixpoint Theory - Upside Down
Finding Cut-Offs in Leaderless Rendez-Vous Protocols is Easy
Nominal Equational Problems
"Most of" leads to undecidability: Failure of adding frequencies to LTL
Adjoint Reactive GUI Programming
Constructing a universe for the setoid model
Simple Stochastic Games with Almost-Sure Energy-Parity Objectives are in NP and coNP
Focused Proof-search in the Logic of Bunched Implications
Fair Refinement for Asynchronous Session Types
Work-sensitive Dynamic Complexity of Formal Languages
Learning Pomset Automata
Nondeterministic and co-Nondeterministic Implies Deterministic, for Data Languages
Leafy automata for higher-order concurrency
One-way Resynchronizability of Word Transducers
Combining Semilattices and Semimodules
Runtime Analysis of Broadcast Consensus Protocols
Certifying Inexpressibility
Nondeterministic Syntactic Complexity
Factorization in Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value Calculi via Linear Logic
A Quantified Coalgebraic van Benthem Theorem