FASE 2015 accepted papers
- Martín Abadi. The prophecy of undo
- Emil Andriescu, Thierry Martinez and Valerie Issarny. Composing message translators and inferring their data types using tree automata
- Davide Arcelli, Vittorio Cortellessa and Catia Trubiani. Performance-based software model refactoring in fuzzy contexts
- Stefan Blom, Saeed Darabi and Marieke Huisman. Verification of loop parallelisations
- Kristopher Born, Thorsten Arendt, Florian Heß and Gabriele Taentzer. analyzing conflicts and dependencies of rule-nased transformations in Henshin
- Ahmed Bouajjani, Georgel Calin, Egor Derevenetc and Roland Meyer. Lazy TSO reachability
- Christian Brenner, Joel Greenyer and Wilhelm Schäfer. On-the-fly synthesis of scarcely synchronizing distributed controllers from scenario-based specifications
- Johannes Bürdek, Malte Lochau, Stefan Bauregger, Andreas Holzer, Alexander von Rhein, Sven Apel and Dirk Beyer. Facilitating reuse in multi-goal test-suite generation for software product lines
- Radu Calinescu, Simos Gerasimou and Alec Banks. Self-adaptive software with decentralised control loops
- Carlos Canal and Gwen Salaün. Model-based adaptation of software communicating via FIFO buffers
- Manuel Clavel and Carolina Dania. Model-based formal reasoning about data-management applications
- Mike Czech, Marie-Christine Jakobs and Heike Wehrheim. Just test what you cannot verify!
- Grigory Fedyukovich, Andrea Callia D'Iddio, Antti Hyvärinen and Natasha Sharygina. Symbolic detection of assertion dependencies for bounded model checking
- Abel Gómez, Massimo Tisi, Gerson Sunyé and Jordi Cabot. Map-based transparent persistence for very large models
- Seema Jehan, Ingo Pill and Franz Wotawa. BPEL integration testing
- Alexander Knapp, Till Mossakowski, Markus Roggenbach and Martin Glauer. An institution for simple UML state machines
- David Landsberg, Hana Chockler, Daniel Kroening and Matt Lewis. Evaluation of measures for statistical fault localisation and an optimising scheme
- Kenan Liu, Gustavo Pinto and Yu David Liu. Data-oriented characterization of application-level energy optimization
- Nuno Macedo, Alcino Cunha and Tiago Guimarães. Exploring scenario exploration
- Van Chan Ngo, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Thierry Gautier and Paul Le Guernic. Translation validation for clock transformations in a synchronous compiler
- Rick Salay and Marsha Chechik. A generalized formal framework for partial modeling
- Seung Yeob Shin, Yuriy Brun, Leon Osterweil, Hari Balasubramanian and Philip L. Henneman. Resource specification for prototyping human-intensive systems
- Daniel Strüber, Julia Rubin, Marsha Chechik and Gabriele Taentzer. A variability-based approach to reusable and efficient model transformations