FOSSACS'99 - Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures

Amsterdam, 20-28 March 1999


Topics covered are:

Programme Committee

Contact: Wolfgang Thomas

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Wednesday March 24

12:30 Lunch
14:30 Invited Talk

Continuous engineering of information and communication infrastructure

H. Weber (TU Berlin)

15:30 Coffee
16:00-18:00 B. Bogaert, F. Seynhaeve, S. Tison (Univ. Lille): The recognizability problem for tree automata with comparisons between brothers

S. Maneth (Leiden University): String languages generated by total deterministic macro tree transducers

E. Dantsin (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg), A. Voronkov (Uppsala University): A nondeterministic polynomial-time unification algorithm for bags, sets and trees

P. Baldan, A. Corradini, U. Montanari (Univ. Pisa): Unfolding and event structure semantics for graph grammars

19:30 CWI Soiree

Thursday March 25

9:00 Invited Talk

Modelling for mere mortals

J. Kramer (Imperial College, London)

10:00 Coffee
10:30 M. Huhn (Univ. Karlsruhe), P. Niebert (Univ. Hildesheim), F. Wallner (TU Munich): Model checking logics for communicating agents

M. Narasimha (North Carolina State University), R. Cleaveland (SUNY at Stony Brook), P. Iyer (North Carolina State University): Probabilistic temporal logics via the modal mu-calculus

A. Muscholl (Univ. Stuttgart): Matching specifications for message sequence charts

C. Bodei, P. Degano (Univ. Pisa), F. Nielson, H. Riis Nielson (Aarhus University): Static analysis of processes for no read-up and no write-down

12:30 Lunch
14:00 R. Arruabarrena, P. Lucio, M. Navarro (Univ. San-Sebastian): A strong logic programming view for static embedded implications

M. Lenisa (Univ. Udine): A coinductive logical system for bisimulation equivalence on circular objects

F.S de Boer (Utrecht University): A WP-calculus for OO

16:30 Coffee
17:00 Invited talk

Software-based critical systems

J.-C. Laprie (LAAS Toulouse)

Friday March 26

9:00 Invited talk J. Esparza (Technische Universität München)

Grammars as processes

10:00 Coffee
10:30 M. Boreale (Univ. Rome "La Sapienza"), R. De Nicola, R. Pugliese (Univ. Florence): A theory of "may" testing for asynchronous languages

L. Aceto, A. Ingólfsdóttir (Aalborg University): Testing Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion

C. Roeckl (TU Munich), D. Sangiorgi (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis): A pi-calculus semantics of concurrent idealised Algol

A. Gordon, L. Cardelli (Microsoft Research, Cambridge): Equational properties of mobile ambients

12:30 Lunch
14:00 G. Barthe (Chalmers, Gothenburg): Expanding the cube

N. Ghani, V. de Paiva, E. Ritter (Univ. Birmingham): Categorical models of explicit substitutions

M. Benke (Warsaw University): An algebraic characterization of typability in ML with subtyping

15:30 Coffee