ESOP'99 - European Symposium On Programming |
The conference is devoted to fundamental issues concerning programming languages and systems. Approaches to the specification, analysis and implementation of languages and systems are the main concern; papers should emphasise usefulness, soundness, and correctness. Contributions which bridge the gap between theory and practice are particularly welcome.
Topics traditionally covered by ESOP include:
Contact: Doaitse Swierstra
8:45 | Welcome |
9:00 | Invited tutorial Research challenges in renovation of legacy
P. Klint (CWI and Univ. Amsterdam), A. van Deursen (CWI, Amsterdam) and C. Verhoef (Univ. Amsterdam): |
10:30 | Coffee |
11:00 | S. Gay , M. Hole (Royal Holloway, London): Types and subtypes for
client-server interactions
C. Flanagan, M. Abadi (Compaq Systems Research Center, Palo Alto): Types for safe locking G. Barthe (Chalmers, Gothenburg), M.J. Frade (Univ. Minho): Constructor subtyping V. Trifonov, Z. Shao (Yale Univ): Safe and principled language interoperation |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:30 | Invited talk: Making Java easier to type, and easier to type
G. Bracha (Sun Micro Systems, USA): |
15:30 | Coffee |
16:00 | A. Mycroft (Cambridge Univ): Type-based decompilation
O. Danvy (Aarhus Univ.), Z. Yang (New York Univ.): An operational investigation of the CPS hierarchy P. Thiemann (Univ. Nottingham): Higher-order code splicing S. Krishnamurthi, Y.-D. Erlich, M. Felleisen (Rice Univ.): Expressing structural properties as language constructs |
Evening | Reception |
9:00 | Invited Talk: Functional reactive programming
P. Hudak (Yale University) |
10:00 | Coffee |
10:30 | M. Norrish (Cambridge University): Deterministic expressions in
A. Poetzsch-Heffter, P. Müller (Fernuniversität Hagen): A programming logic for sequential Java A. Podelski, W. Charatonik and M. Müller (Univ. Saarlandes, Saarbrücken): Set-based error diagnosis of concurrent constraint programs E. Moggi (Univ. Genova), W. Taha, Z. Benaissa, T. Sheard (Oregon Graduate Institute): An idealized MetaML: simpler, and more expressive |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | M. Benedikt (Bell Laboratories), T. Reps (Univ. of Wisconsin), M. Sagiv
(Tel Aviv University): A decidable logic for describing linked data
F. Nielson, H. Riis Nielson (Aarhus University): Interprocedural control flow analysis A. Sabelfeld, D. Sands (Chalmers, Gothenburg): A per model of secure information flow in sequential programs A. King, J. Smaus, P. Hill (Univ. Kent at Canterbury): Quotienting share for dependency analysis |
16:00 | Coffee |
16:15- 18:00 | Panel discussion
The PITAC Reportcts |
Evening | ETAPS Banquet |
9:00 | Invited Talk: Security protocols and specifications
M. Abadi (Compaq Systems Research Center, Palo Alto) |
10:00 | Coffee |
10:30 | P. Jansson (Chalmers, Gothenburg), J. Jeuring (Univ. Utrecht): Polytypic
compact printing and parsing
Y. Liu, S. Stoller (Indiana University): Dynamic programming via static incrementalization M. van den Brand (CWI, Amsterdam), P. Klint (CWI and Univ. Amsterdam), P. Olivier (Univ. Amsterdam): Compilation and memory management for ASF+SDF H. Saito, N. Stavrakos, S. Carroll, C. Polychronopoulos (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), A. Nicolau (Univ. California at Irvine): The design of the PROMIS compiler |
12:30 | Lunch |